Networking is an important success factor for our language institute TREFFPUNKT Team. Our Head of School Mareen Schönfelder-Werner is therefore traveling to the IALC Eastern Europe Roadshow in Prague on February 6. She will be there to represent our language institute and establish or consolidate partnerships with Czech companies during speed dating with travel agencies. Mareen Schönfelder-Werner will be presenting our German and English courses at the roadshow, as well as the World Heritage city of Bamberg as a destination for a language vacation.
The roadshow is therefore a great opportunity for us to present our language institute! And of course to visit beautiful Prague, Bamberg's twin city.
More about the IALC:
The International Association for Language Centres (IALC) is an important network for language schools with strict quality standards. To become a member, language schools cannot simply apply, but must be nominated by competitors. Membership is therefore an important international seal of quality for language schools.